We all know what huge family affairs an Indian Wedding is, but you can make it a memorable occasion for the kids as much as the adults by getting them involved in the action. There are plenty of adorable (yet, in some cases, pivotal) roles that they can take which will not only give them a memorable experience but will also add a little bit of extra charm for the adults and some pride for the parents, too. Here are just a few of the possible tasks they can take.
References to The Lord of the Rings aside, kids can take over the role of carrying the ring tray from elders and bridesmaids. Not only does this mean less standing around for knees which are too old for endurance tests or feet in shoes that are built for fashion over practicality, but it adds a certain freshness to what is arguably the most important part of the ceremony.

Precede the bride
You’ve seen little kids leading out football players at the start of the game, right? Well, think that, but with the players replaced by the bride and the kids’ football uniform replaced with a couple of flower girls or a pair of young lads holding up a cutesy placard.
Help in joota chupai
Probably the best role for kids at an Indian wedding in Phuket is to help the bridesmaids hide the groom’s shoes. Who would be better at a game of hide and seek than a kid? They can get where no grown-up can reach, find the perfect hidden crevices and will honestly just enjoy the game a lot more than any adult.

Handing out wedding favours
Not only does it look adorable, but kids are also excellently suited to this task. It’s simple, kind and requires that they burn off a bit of energy, which their parents will certainly appreciate.
Get them involved in the rituals
They could be applying haldi, welcoming the groom, being the little sarbala – whatever the ritual, getting the kids involved in it will please everyone. They’ll appreciate being involved in this big and busy day, their parents will swell with pride and your wedding photos will look fantastic. As a bonus, you can get them involved in the couples photos as little models, perhaps holding a funny placard or reacting in the background – it adds that all-important extra charm to your photos.